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su 26. tammik.
Mush Helsinki - Halikasa SUNDAY 26.1
Rekisteröityminen on suljettu / Registration is closed
Tapahtumat / EventsPaikka & aika
26. tammik. 2025 klo 16.00 – 19.00 UTC+2
Helsinki, Hietaniemenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Tietoa tapahtumasta
This is a Mush cuddle event for all: new Mushers that might have never been to a cuddle event before,
aswell as for all of you who come regularly to Mush with us!
Please read the Intention and Agreements for the Mush before you join your first evening!
This is a platonic non-sexual event where we prioritize safety, care and inclusivity. Facilitator: Nick Lukkonen, English
After registerig to the event, please take care of the payment through the Holvi webstore.
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